Incident Policy
Thrive Rehab is committed to providing and maintaining quality client centred practice, and this policy outlines how we detect and manage incidents.
This policy applied to services and supports provided to clients.
What is an incident?
An incident is broadly defined as:
any event or circumstance that resulted, or could have resulted, in unintended and/or unnecessary harm to a person, or loss or damage to property.
a near miss which did not cause harm but had the potential to do so.
any event which deviates from standard policy or procedure anything illegal (e.g. fraud, sexual misconduct or assault)
Our obligation
We are committed to ensure the rights of people with disability are supported and upheld.
We will foster a culture of continuous improvement with a proactive approach to preventing incidents
We aim to provide a high standard of duty of care and to ensure the safety and well-being of each clients using our services.
if an incident occurs, we will promptly and appropriately respond to the incident in an equitable, objective and fair manner
We will record all incidents, report (if required) and investigate (if required).
We will ensure the principles of procedural fairness are maintained by providing those affected an opportunity to give their side of the story and to comment on any adverse views
We will maintain an incident management system to aid in recording, managing and resolving incidents
the incident management policy and process are provided to clients at any time by request.
Organisational responsibilities when responding to incidents
When responding to an incident it is the organisation's responsibility to:
immediately respond to an incident to ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants and others at risk
report to police (if appropriate)
contact relevant support services e.g. sexual assault support services (if appropriate)
preserve evidence of the incident
notifying relevant next of kin, family or guardian (as appropriate)
plan and undertake actions to provide ongoing support to those affect by the incident
document key actions undertaken in an internal incident report
record incidents in an internal incident register.
Reporting incidents
Incidents that must be reported to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission include any incident that involves:
the serious injury of a participant
abuse or neglect of a participant
the death of a participant
unlawful sexual or physical contact with, or assault of, a participant
sexual misconduct committed against, or in the presence of, a participant, including grooming for sexual activity
unauthorised use of a restrictive practice in relation to a participant.
Other incidents may require reporting to other agencies, for example:
data breach or breach or personal information (OAIC)
Any incident involving crimes such as assault, theft and fraud must be reported to police.
Responsibilities of service provider
resolving incidents
recording serious incidents
managing escalated incidents and serious incidents
reporting serious incidents to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
responding to any media enquiries
investigating incidents or arranging an external investigator to investigate
reviewing incidents and instigating improvements.
record all incidents or near misses in the internal incident register to assist with preventing further incidents and continuing to improve services
The following resource applies to this policy and supporting documentation:
NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018